Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

0 Pinnacle Studio 9 - Full Version

Pinnacle studio 9 merupakan sebuah software yang berfungsi editing vdeo yang cukup populer dikalangan desainer multimedia, beberpa keistimewaan dari pinnacel studio antara lain : Aplikasi yang sederhana, sehingga mudah untuk dipahami dan dioperasikan, Tidak membutuhkan spesifikasi hardaware yang tinggi, Aplikasi editing video yang palig ringan, jika dibandingkan dengan aplikasi sejenis, seperti Ulead Video Studio, Adobe Premier dan masih banyak lagi.

Pinnacle Studio 9 is a vdeo editing software that works quite popular among multimedia designer, beberpa privilege of pinnacel studios include: Application is simple, so easy to understand and operate, not requiring a high specification hardaware, video editing application that palig mild, when compared with similar applications, such as Ulead Video Studio, Adobe Premier and Much, Much More.

Making great looking movies has never been easier. Get Up and running FASTER than ever with all new innacle Montage theme based video editing, which features designs by professional producers and artists. To get started, just drag and drop your video clips and still images to preview your Movie-complete with Hollywood style multi-layered effects, animated graphics, titles and Hi-Fi audio. Edit and polish to your heart's content with the sleek new video editing interface. When you are finished, archive your video memories, publish them on , or enjoy them on DVDs and portable devices.

Fancy Features
Beginner-level apps have so many features that they can rapidly get complex. There are so many filters and effects, that it can be a bit baffling as to exactly where features are hidden and the Toolbox metaphor doesn't always work. Although each feature's interface is well designed, panels swoosh in and out as various buttons are clicked. This is definitely something you'll have to get used to. We also found that these animations really dragged and stuttered on our 1GHz test machine, the slowest we tested.

We really only liked about half of the new features, with the other half being the equivalent of a 700x digital zoom on a camcorder. The automatic white balance (color correction) tool is completely awesome. Image stabilization is decent, but it degrades the image significantly. Other "video cleaning" filters were nothing but empty promises. Likewise, the audio noise reduction filter is basically only for constant, low-level noise. It's not that these filters are bad, so much as we are unhappy with the unrealistic expectation that most people will have based on marketing claims. There is no substitute for good shooting. Trust us: Hollywood doesn't have a whole bunch of magic effects that you don't have to make its movies look great.

Our favorite new feature is one of our favorite features in Apple iMovie and Pinnacle Liquid Edition: background rendering. Of course, you get real time previews in almost all situations, but background rendering almost guarantees that a high-quality, finished version of your project is ready when you are.
Download From indowebster.com :
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Direct Link:
Download Part1 : Size 48.16 MB
Download Part2 : Size 48.16 MB

Download Part3 : Size 48.16 MB
Download Part4 : Size 30.07 MB

Download From Keygen :
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Direct Link:
Download Kyegen Pinnacle Studio 9 : Size 200 MB

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