Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

0 WinZip Pro 16.0 Build 9691 Final - Keygen

WinZip Pro 16.0 Build 9691 Final merupakan sebuah software kompresi yang mirip dengan Winrar. WinZip sangat berguna sekali untuk menyatukan file-file data di PC sobat PRADANA, agar tidak berantakan... Sehingga bisa menghemat ruang pada hardisk. Software ini juga dilengkapi dengan adanya fasilitas auto backup data untuk menghindari hilangnya data karena suatu hal. Winzip yang terbaru versi 16 hadir dengan fitur yaitu kompresi foto dan image sampai 25% tanpa menghilangkan kualitas data dari foto atau image tersebut pada hasil akhirnya, selain dari fitur yang telah ada sebelumnya seperti kompresi data (RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip) juga dilengkapi dengan enkripsi folder untuk melindungi file-file tertentu dengan ditambahkannya password pada folder tersebut.
WinZip - the first and one of the most popular compression utility data. This powerful and easy to use tool that lets you quickly compress files, or return them to their original state in order to save disk space and greatly reduce the transmission of email messages. Working with the CAB, TAR, gzip, UUencode, XXencode, BinHex, and MIME formats, and ZIP. Besides, with the help of external programs can work with files ARJ, LZH, and ARC. Features include a representation of images as icons and automatic selection of compression method, as well as improved compression of audio files and support open BZ2 and RAR-files. Additionally, there is a feature enhanced redundancy and new built-in image viewer, with which you can view multiple images in a Zip-file.

With WinZip Pro's Backup tools, you can:
  • Back up any important data using pre-defined jobs
  • Create custom backup jobs using WinZip’s simple wizard
  • Schedule backups to run automatically and unattended
  • Burn your backup data to CD/DVD or network drive
  • Email your backups off site from virtually any of your email addresses
  • Upload your backups to an off-site server using the built-in WinZip FTP client
System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP
Password : Tidak Ada

  WinZip Pro v16.0 Build 9691 Final Download WinZip Pro 16.0 Build 9691 Final - From Enterupload   WinZip Pro v16.0 Build 9691 Final Download WinZip Pro v16.0 Build 9691 Final keygen- From Ziddu.com

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